TESSA provides accurate estimation of the annual power loss of PV modules

The Enertis Applus+ Soiling and Snow Application (TESSA)

This web-based soiling calculator follows the Kimber and Townsend models and provides accurate estimation of the annual power loss due to dirt, snow, and/or other particle accumulation on the surface of PV modules.

Accurate estimation of a PV project’s soiling rate allows for practical decision making – such as when and how often to schedule cleanings – to maximize the investment rate of return (IRR).

TESSA’s features include:

  • Parameters for both snow and dirt
  • Annual, monthly, and daily soiling rates
  • Calculation of the optimal washing days to optimize the asset´s production or minimize the financial losses
  • Automatic report generation
  • Weather datasets up to 20 years pulled from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMet)
  • Precipitation effects
  • Map view to compare projects with nearby weather stations
  • Multi-project viewing to compare portfolios at a glance
  • Template files are available so clients can upload their own weather information to the tool

Discover TESSA’s user-friendly tool, that provides a precise estimate of annual power loss attributed to dirt, snow, and particle accumulation on PV modules. Uncover the tool’s features, including the calculation of optimal washing days to maximize asset production and minimize financial losses.