FRV relies on Enertis to control the quality of more than 400,000 solar PV panels to be installed in Jordan

The ‘Mafraq’ project, that consists of two solar facilities of 50 MWac each and started construction at the end of May, is comprised overall of more than 400,000 monocrystalline silicon modules of a Chinese Tier-1 manufacturer.
Enertis currently supports Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) as independent technical advisor to ensure and control the quality of a photovoltaic modules supply of more than 400,000 panels. The batch is to be installed at the ‘Mafraq I’ and ‘Mafraq II’ plants in the homonymous Jordanian governorate, one of the areas with the highest solar irradiation in the region.
Prior to the manufacturing of the project’s modules, Enertis has carried out a factory inspection to validate all the production processes. This evaluation included revisions concerning the supply, storage and traceability of the raw materials. Currently, Enertis conducts a comprehensive supervision of the daily production, throughout all the production process’ steps, to keep a full consistency in the product quality over the 100MWac supply. The supervision comprises also a series of technical tests conducted on randomly selected modules regarding the product batches acceptance. Those tests are performed both at the manufacturer’s laboratories, under strict control of Enertis, as well as at Enertis’ accredited partner laboratory in Shanghai.
Overall, the duties carried out by Enertis are going to last about six months, summing some 2,000 on-site inspection hours. Thanks to the implementation of these quality control activities, the technical risk associated to possible failures in the materials and PV modules is lessened, besides ensuring more reliability during their life cycle.