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  • Enertis Solar, S.L., whose main purpose is to maintain professional and/or commercial relations and to provide the contracted services; obtains the data by means of the consent of the interested party, the execution of a contract and/or by legitimate interest. It will not transfer data to third parties, except for express authorisation or legal obligation. The holder has the right to access, rectify and delete the data, the portability of the data, the limitation or opposition to its treatment, the right not to be the subject of automated decisions, as well as to obtain clear and transparent information about the treatment of its data.
Enertis world


  • Espagne
    Av. Bruselas, 31
    28108 Madrid
    +34 91 651 70 21
  • Etats-Unis
    One Hallidie Plaza, Suite 401
    San Francisco
    94102 California
    +1 415 908 1059
  • Chili
    Nueva de Lyon, 145. Oficina 503
    Santiago de Chile
    +562 24029642

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