European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
More than 1,370 submission were presented in the 31st edition of the EU PVSEC 2015 Conference held this month in Hamburg.
Enertis presented two scientific papers related to the aerial thermographic inspection of photovoltaic modules “IR Thermography Inspection of PV modules in Large PV Plants With UAV” and the possibility of carrying out inspections on photovoltaic modules in situ “On-Site Inspection of PV Modules using an Internationally Accredited PV-Mobile Lab: Three Years of Operating Experience Worldwide“.
The first paper describes the operation of air thermography and how this tool can reduce up to 85% inspection time in large photovoltaic plants. Moreover, Enertis took advantage to share the success of its PV Mobile Lab since it started to operate. Both presentations have created great interest and have had a remarkable acceptance within the scientific community.
During the conference the latest developments related to photovoltaic technology were presented and a clear trend towards crystalline silicon PV modules with PERC structure (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) and hetero-junction cells was observed.
The conference has clearly indicated the interest in the solar industry for all kinds of quality control tests which ensure the proper functioning of PV modules.