Press Release

Enertis PV Mobile Lab obtains the accreditation by ENAC according to UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025

The Spanish National Accreditation Body (ENAC), member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), certifies Enertis Solar to performance PV modules quality testing on site with its PV Mobile Lab (dossier nº 811/LE1661). The Spanish multinational company, pioneer in the quality control of solar installations equipments, transforms its mobile lab in the only one certified to performing these testing on site and consolidates its position as a world reference in this sector.

ENAC, according to the standard ISO/IEC 17025, certifies Enertis´PV Mobile Lab to performance maximum power determination test, electrical insulation test and electroluminescence test for PV modules in the site of the installation and with the same quality as a fix laboratory.

Enertis has extended the scope of its accreditation giving a new impetus to its international growth strategy. The company launched its PB Mobile Lab in 2013 in order to better meet the requirements growing internationally and, especially in the emerging markets. Performing the tests on site, the PV Mobile Lab reduces the timing and the risks associated to the transportation of the modules to a laboratory for its analysis.