Press Release
Enertis participates as engineering firm in the Bósforo 100 MW Project in El Salvador which has just completed its final phase

- Enertis has provided the technical consultancy and engineering services during the development, construction and launch phases of the project.
- The Project has had an investment of 160 million dollars.
Enertis, a global firm specialised in the provision of consulting, engineering and quality control / quality assurance services in the renewable energy sector and specialised in photovoltaic solar power, has completed the engineering work of the Bósforo Project (a venture of the companies AES of El Salvador and CMI of Guatemala). It was unveiled this week in the presence of the highest officials of the country and participating companies.
The Bósforo Project, which commenced in 2017, is made up of 10 solar power plants totaling 100 MW: Pasaquina, La Unión, El Carmen, Jiquilisco, Santa Ana, Sonsonate, San Sebastián Salitrillo, Guazapa, Apopa and Nejapa. The investment has summed 160 million dollars.
Enertis started working on the project in 2015 and has participated in all the integral development phases of the 10 solar plants distributed throughout the country. The work has included preliminary studies and sites surveys, analysis of irradiation, basic engineering, application procedures and evaluation of the offers, contract negotiations, supervision of the construction and commisioning. The plants are equipped with polycrystalline modules with fixed mounting structures of a 3V type for all site locations.
Apart from than the Bósforo Project, Enertis has completed many others in El Salvador totaling 450 MW, as well as its experience in Central America in countries such as Guatemala, Honduras and Panama.