Press Release

Enertis advised Bankia and Bankinter as Lender’s technical advisor in the financing process of the three new photovoltaic plants

Enertis advised Bankia and Bankinter as Lender’s technical advisor in the financing process of the three new photovoltaic plants

Enertis advised Bankia and Bankinter as Lender’s technical advisor in the financing process via “Project finance” of the three new photovoltaic plants in the province of Seville developed and to be constructed by Solarpack. The Monclova, Pedroso and Peñaflor projects will have a total capacity of 112 MWp and have required financing debt of €59 million. Solarpack was awarded with a total capacity of 100 MWp in the auction of new renewable energy facilities in the summer of 2017.

Enertis works as Lender’s technical advisor in the projects having prepared the three technical Due Diligence reports and will continue to work in the construction and commissioning phases of the three projects.