Press Release

Enertis acts as LTA for Triodos Bank in the financing of the 50 MWp plant in Posadas (Córdoba, Spain) owned by Ibox Energy

  • Enertis has prepared the technical Due Diligence for the financing of the 50 MWp solar photovoltaic plants in Posadas, Córdoba.
  • Triodos Bank finances the plant owned by Ibox Energy.

Enertis provides technical advice to Triodos Bank on the financing of the design, construction, commissioning and operation of the 50 MW solar photovoltaic plant in Posadas (Córdoba). This is the first financing operation carried out by Triodos Bank in the Spanish market for a solar photovoltaic plant under a PPA, although the bank had previously financed other wind and solar projects without subsidies. The financing of the facilities were financed under a ‘project finance’ scheme, an investment financing mechanism based on the project’s ability to generate sufficient cash flows to repay the debt and obtain a return on the capital invested.

The ethical and sustainable European banking entity is in charge of financing the solar photovoltaic plant owned by the Ibox Energy group, the operation of which will require a 37 million euro investment. Ibox Energy, a joint venture of Spain’s Ibexia Development and Cox Energy, was created to develop and operate solar energy production projects.

The works undertaken by the Enertis team include the technical Due Diligence study for the financing operation and will continue throughout the project’s construction and commissioning phases.