Press Release
Acciona Energía collaborates with Enertis’ regarding the quality control of PV modules for ‘Puerto Libertad’ in Mexico, its plants at the ‘Benban’ complex in Egypt and ‘Dymerka’ in Ukraine

Enertis, a global consulting and engineering firm specialised in providing technical advisory, engineering, and quality assurance services in the international renewable energy sector, has been approved by Acciona Energía as principal supplier for quality assurance and quality control services for solar modules, a result of the close and successful collaboration amongst both companies in recent years.
Against this background, worth highlighting are the works that Enertis is currently performing for the ‘Puerto Libertad’ project of 404 MWp in Mexico, the three identical photovoltaics plants of the Egyptian solar PV complex ‘Benban’ that accumulate to a total of some 186 MWp, and another three plants of the ‘Dymerka Solar’ complex of 57.2 MWp in Ukraine. The currently ongoing quality control works apply to a total of approximately 2,000,000 multicrystalline silicon PV modules of two tier-1 manufacturers. The PV devices are produced at more than five manufacturing centres in China, where Enertis is present with its team of auditors and laboratory engineers, contributing with its expertise and specialised know-how.
These modules are going to be installed, on the one hand, at the ‘Puerto Libertad’ project in Mexico, the biggest in the country, where Acciona Energía has started the construction at the beginning of the year, together with its partner Tuto Energy. Part of the generated electricity will be sold to the Federal Electricity Commission CFE, according to the allocation achieved in the second long-term auction, another part will be sold through a power purchase agreement (PPA) to an industrial off-taker and a third part to the market. The project’s commercial operation commencement is expected for the first quarter of 2019.
On the other hand, the second project for which Enertis is providing its modules’ quality control works, are the three photovoltaics plants situated in the ‘Benban’ solar complex in Egypt, that will sell the generated electricity under a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) to the public utility EETC. Those plants, co-owned by 50% by Acciona Energía and the Saudi Swicorp, are expected to start their commercial operation in the first quarter of 2019.
Moreover, the third project for which those works are currently ongoing are three solar photovoltaic plants in Ukraine – ‘Dymerka II, III and IV’ –, fully owned by Acciona Energía, that are currently under construction and expected to start their commercial operation during the second quarter of 2019.
Enertis has been involved from the very beginning of the projects, rendering support for the definition of the technical specifications of the module supply agreements, validating new module technologies and the factories to be eventually used for the supplies. Concerning the manufacturing process itself, it is worth mentioning that Enertis in its role as independent entity is every day with its local inspectors present at the manufacturing centres to assure the correct fulfilment of the agreed requirements and according to international quality standards, key in a context of tighter and tighter margins, to mitigate risks.
“We are proud to have the chance to keep working with Acciona Energía and contribute with our technical experience to their projects all over the world”, says Dr Vicente Parra, Head of Quality Innovation and Technology at Enertis.